Your Guide in the Art of Osteopathy


A Path to Osteopathy

Hello, I'm Douglas, and my journey in holistic health is as much a personal narrative as it is professional. It all began during a meditation retreat in India, a serene experience that opened my eyes to the profound connection between the body and mind. This realization was a turning point, leading me to Barcelona, where I first explored the art of therapeutic massage. My natural ability to soothe pains and aches soon became evident, marking the start of a path I was destined to follow.

Traveling around the world, experiencing diverse cultures and places, has been a defining aspect of my life. My deep interest in the human body, spirituality, and the natural world eventually led me to a profound discovery: these elements are intimately connected to the restoration of human health.

My transition to osteopathy was more than a career choice; it was a calling. Meeting an elder osteopath, who later became my mentor, I was introduced to the vast and rich field of osteopathy. I immediately felt a resonance with this holistic approach to health and healing. Enrolling in four years of intensive study, I emerged with a deep understanding that osteopathy is a powerful, science-based form of healing.

Embracing the Essence of Osteopathy

As an osteopath at 'Ride the Tide', my focus is on Osteopathy in the Cranial Field, particularly inspired by "The Biodynamics of Osteopathy in the Cranial Field" as envisioned by James Jealous D.O. This approach resonates deeply with my belief in treating each person as a whole, aligning with the natural laws that govern our innate health.

In my practice, I am guided by the ethos of finding health, both in myself and others. As Dr. A.T. Still aptly put it, “The aim of the Doctor should be to find health, anyone can find disease.” This philosophy underpins every aspect of my work. I approach each case as a unique opportunity to uncover and nurture the health inherent in every individual.

I view myself as a perpetual student, always learning from the therapeutic forces within us all. Each patient is a new story, a unique expression of life’s indwelling rhythms and potentials. At 'Ride the Tide', I strive to be a perfect beginner in each session, listening attentively to the subtle, therapeutic expressions of the body.

Join me on this adventure at 'Ride the Tide'. Together, we can explore the depths of osteopathy and embark on a transformative journey towards health and harmony.

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